Saturday, February 23, 2008


Easter is coming and in anticipation, I have started to collect some books to stuff in my daughter’s basket instead of candy. She loves books and considers them a wonderful gift. She loves candy too, but she will get plenty of that at school. Some of what you see listed here is actually for her including: BETTY & VERONICA and DIARY OF A WIMPY KID. However, I will eventually take a look and report what I find in those books at THE GRAPHIC CLASSROOM. DIARY is actually a comic/prose hybrid and is well known in children’s literary circles. If it turns out to be good, I will want a copy for the classroom.

I’m sorry to see the WONDER GIRL series end. We need more female protagonists and my daughter really enjoyed this title. GREAT EXPECTATIONS was one of my favorite stories that I read in school. After we read it, we watched the movie, which really helped me to understand it. I was a struggling reader. So, I am excited about this book. I also stumbled upon PRIDE OF BAGHDAD, which looks very interesting.

For my birthday, my wife and daughter bought WONDER WOMAN: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO THE AMAZON PRINCESS. They were thinking of my classroom, of course, and how children who read comics may want to do some research on their favorite characters. What a great resource to have in a classroom.

Here is the list of comics that came into the classroom this week:
  1. Betty & Veronica
  2. Classics Illustrated: Great Expectations
  3. Diary of a Wimpy Kid
  4. Marvel Adventures: Avengers #21
  5. Pride of Baghdad
  6. Thor #4
  7. Wonder Girl #6 (of 6)
  8. Wonder Woman: The Ultimate Guide to the Amazon Princess
  9. Usagi Yojimbo #106, #109

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