Sunday, February 24, 2008


Mr. T, the mohawk muscleman of the 1980’s, makes his graphic novel debut aptly named “Mr. T.”

Says the T-Man: “There’s my long-time fans, but there’s also a new generation because of A-Team reruns, my cartoon show reruns, and the renewed interest in Rocky III following the recent sequel. That’s humbling, and this graphic novel is my method of reaching them all. I’m so proud of all my life’s work, but to see myself in this book feels extra special.”

The story centers around Mr. T as a bodyguard – the world’s greatest bodyguard – who must defend his clients against the evils of the world.

Author Christopher Bunting adds: “We’ve seen comebacks happen over and over again in the entertainment industry, whether it's John Travolta, the Spice Girls, or fictitious characters such as Indiana Jones or Rambo. Now it’s Mr. T’s time.”

Mr. T, Executive Editor of the title, adds: “I’ve always strived to be a good role model to children and adults alike. I can’t think of a better way to do that than by encouraging people to read! What would I say to anyone who doesn’t read my graphic novel? I pity the fool!”

Mr. T: Limited Advance Edition can be ordered direct from publisher Mohawk Media for the exclusive price of $39 including delivery. Alternatively, from April 2008, it will be available through bookstores worldwide, including online, by quoting its 13-digit ISBN: 9780955680403.

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