Saturday, January 14, 2012


Comics continue to change the literature landscape with more and more educators using the mode to engage students in literacy and scholarship. Catharina Evans –– Chair of Language Arts and Upper School English Teacher at the Saints Peter and Paul School in the U.S. Virgin Islands –– joins The Graphic Classroom team this month. 

Evans is an accomplished author, writing many articles for journals since 2003. She is a member of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) and received accolades for her writing. Her debut review of ASTERIOS POLYP at TGC follows.

The staff at The Graphic Classroom welcome Evans to the team. We hope you will leave a comment welcoming her, too. 


Adrian Neibauer said...

Welcome Catharina! Your revew of ASTERIOS POLYP was great. I will now have to add it to my nightstand stack of reading material.

The Virgin Islands? That seems so exotic compared to Colorado! :)

I look forward to reading more reviews.

Catharina Evans said...

Thank you Chris! Glad to be here.

Miss K said...

Congratulations to Catharina. I look forward to reading her work.