Saturday, September 25, 2010


My local TV station called and asked to interview me about the HALL OF HEROES comic book club at school. They did a great job. I was particularly proud of my two students they interviewed. One is not, by his own admission, a fan of reading. Comics have changed that. The other is a voracious read who reads comics and traditional novels every day.

Notice that the boy who says he does not like reading often wants to skip recess so he can finish his comic. There is nothing more telling than that.

I was also proud that one talked about reading the pictures and reading slowly. I always tell my kids that comics are not designed to be read fast. They are to be enjoyed and absorbed and read slowly, pausing to take in all the visual details and queues.

Just goes to show you that comics are not only bridges to reading other things but are legitimate literature pieces worthy of academic study in themselves.

Click here to read the article.

- Posted from my iPad


Michael said...

Hey! Congratulations! - my wife and I are jealous of your iPad. I read your review on Operation Ajax, and I've been able to dabble with the Alice In Wonderland interactive children's book. That is exactly how literature should be in the 21st Century. Amazing.

Unknown said...

congrats! I'm jealous of your book cart!

Kevin Hodgson said...

I love that kid who points to the Odyssey as a favorite book. Yeah!