Saturday, July 24, 2010


From the Editor-in-Geek

Friends, geeks, banner fliers of nerdom, please remember that all of us at TGC read comics, write reviews, and create essays without any compensation besides the comics we receive. The hardworking staff writers do what they do to help teachers, librarians, parents and administrators use comics to help students of all ages increase their love affair with reading and literacy skills. using comics as one avenue. Be sure to let the writers know how much you enjoy their stories, or how you use their reviews by leaving a comment. They deserve to know their efforts are useful to the educational community. 

I sincerely appreciate every person who works for or assists The Graphic Classroom in any capacity. If you are interested in participating in some way, big or small, weekly, monthly, or semi-annually,please contact me. If you wrote your thesis or dissertation on comics, please send it our way. I would love to publish it.

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