Thursday, January 8, 2009


From the Editor

It seems this week’s additions to the classroom shelf consisted mostly of children’s titles. My daughter was thrilled with the titles and perused the selection on our way home from the comic book shop.

Next week I enter the classroom for my student teaching experience in a technology-based (eMNTS) fourth grade class. I have my comics boxed, divided by title, labeled and ready to go. I haven’t asked my cooperating teacher yet, but I am optimistic that she will allow me to use comic literature in her classroom. I have three short boxes of comics and a tub filled with graphic novels and trade paperbacks – plenty of exciting, substantial and literary reading material.

Enjoy perusing the list:

Land of Oz: The Manga #1-#4
Superhero Squad: Hero Up! One Shot #1
Wolverine and Power Pack #4 (of 4)

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