Wednesday, November 19, 2008


From the Editor

This is the last week of Lunch-N-Munch, my lunchtime comic book reading club for fifth graders. It’s been a wonderful experience and I am going to miss the kids. They truly enjoy the experience and appreciate having comic literature to read. A local comic store contacted me today and stated one of the book club members came in and bought Tiny Titans.

While the comic book club is near the end, so this semester is also drawing to a close with just four more weeks to go. Then all that is left is student teaching. I realized just how close I am to graduating over the past few days as I took the Praxis II exam for my certification and as I was preparing my educational résumé. I must admit that it both excites and scares me. Mostly it excites me.

Here are the titles that made their way into the classroom this week:

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