Monday, September 29, 2008


More live-action movie adaptations of comic literature is headed to the screen. Marvel has several big boys sitting in the pipeline.

Iron Man 2 
Release date: May 7, 2010

Release date: July 16, 2010
According to Variety, legendary British actor, Kenneth Branagh, is directing the god of thunder.

The First Avenger: Captain America
Release date: May 6, 2011

The Avengers
Release date: July 15, 2011

Iron Man 3
No release date

What does this mean to you, the classroom teacher or school librarian? It means that you will have a captive audience, eager and waiting to read the comic literature about these marvelous heroes. Incidentally, Marvel has a line of all-ages comics called Marvel Adventures. They include Marvel Adventures Avengers, Marvel Adventures Spider-man, Marvel Adventures Hulk, Marvel Adventures Iron Man, Marvel Adventures Superheroes. Of course, there are other titles of these characters aimed at older readers.

Thanks to News-a-Rama and Variety for the info.

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